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GameJamming - CompanionShip the Game

06 Oct 2019 . category: tech .
#projects #prototype #prototyping #gamejam #companionship

CompanionShip Title Screen

It’s done! My first ever game created!

I got inspired to create this game 2 days ago when I played with Sean’s Bitsy game called “rain.” It was a short but sweet interactive fiction game. The game was pretty much set inside a single location with different repeated object interactions. With this in mindset, I pushed through my game using the same game development platform: Bitsy.

Learning the quirks of the platform wasn’t that hard. It was quite intuitive really. You create sprites and place them on the room. You can add sprites that do things like items then add scripts or actions to them. I like that you can dive into the code itself if you want to really customize your game. I added some hacks found here: https://github.com/seleb/bitsy-hacks. The extra stuff I added were controller support, sprite flipping, music addition, and text box manipulation.

I’m pretty pleased how my little game turned out. You can check it out on itch.io if you want to play it. Here’s the link: https://hyperchiicken.itch.io/companionship.

Enjoy! :]