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End of Year Report -- 2024 Edition

31 Dec 2024 . category: personal .
#blog #personal #endofyear #bye2024

Goodbye 2024. It has been another rollercoaster ride this past year. It makes me miss those years when I don’t need to worry about my vision waning. Those days where I just think what new exciting thing I’m going to do or accomplish. Now it’s interlaced with fear and anxiety. The therapy and medication is definitely the MVP this year. I’m still struggling; I’m no longer my old self. I no longer have that extreme focus and endurance to quickly and thoroughly finish a task. Things take a whole lot longer to get done. I always feel like I’m slowing everyone down at work. I was told to find my value outside of work, but it’s easier said than done. I’m trying though. I know there’s more to me than just the tasks I need to accomplish. I’ll break through these chanins somehow. Break them down one-by-one in this new year.

PS. As long as the chronosphere works as intended.